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gAgB gCgD gEgF gGgH gIgJ gKgL gMgN gOgP gQgR gSgT gUgV gWgX gYgZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
CE goodmans +oval 5
SHREE DADAJI goodmorning 30
AADIN goodness +cow 30
AAVIN goodness 30
AAVIN goodness +cow 29, 32
goodness 30
G.O.S. goodone +oval 25
goodrich tea +plant & star 30
ACC electric goods +triangl 9
BSE capital goods 35, 36
DEV electrical goods 9
DICK'S sporting goods 9, 18, 25, 35
E ELIANCE leather goods 18
GOLDMAK electrical goods 11
KLASSE leather goods 18
MAKGOLD electrical goods 11
MAYUR sports goods +peacock 28
PKE PRESTO sporting goods 28
PRESTO sporting goods +arcs 28
SSM WORD class sports goods 28
goods 28
TRANSPARENT goods 9, 36, 42
NDTV goodtimes +bird 9, 16, 35, 41
goodwell 6013 9
goodwill & co. +triangles 36
goodwill ENGINEERS 7
goodwill banalo GHAR BASALO 16
DANJUAN goodwill unlimited 25
JE goodwill 25
OJJUS goodwill hospital 42
goofins KHADI +flower 3
goofy 30
goofy cow 24, 28
gooldasta 3
W WOODY'S gooseberry pickle 29
gopal +young krishna 19
gopal RACHNA +god & oval 34
gopal TOTAL iodized salt 30
gopal chhap +krishna 3
gopal heights 35
G gopal cymbol zarda +oval 31
GULAB KHAS gopal BHOG +god 30
HIMANI bal gopal 5
SWAD gopal 30
asli gopal beedi +man 34
PGR padmapat gopalkrishna 24
gope TEX +portrait 24
gopi brand +god & circle 29
gopi brand RASHMI +women 28
GITAPRESS gorakhpur +chario 16
GOSEVA gorakshak +cow 5
gorgeous look +plants 44
SRUSHTI gorgious cream 3
EVANI gori girl 3
gorilla 25
BEKEN +gorilla 12
GORILLA +gorilla 25
gorilla 16, 34
POWER PACK +gorilla 25
WORLD ANGER DAY +gorilla 35, 38, 41
gorul WITH GE 7
gosain 17
shree KESHARBAGH goshala 42
LOTUS goshtka masala 30
ZFGC ZION full gospel churc 42
CARNIVAL'S got the fun! 12
blue mount BIMBO you got it 25
i got talent +man 41
you've got the power! 16
AMAR gota 3
KRISHNA kala gota 3
MAJDOOR gota +man 3
PARTH gota 30
RAMDEV gota 30
TALOD gota 30
BABURAM gote wale 26
gou SUDHA 31
CHETNA SOAP gouandi 3
CENTURY seeds sponge gourd 31
PRIYA bitter gourd pickle 29
bitter gourd JHALARI 31
bottle gourd MADHULIKA 31
gouri sarees +woman & stars 24
G gouri nandan +triangle 24
gourmet WEST 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 43
GPK gourmet pizza kitchen 29, 30
INDIAN HOME gourmet +fish 29, 30
JAKSON gourmet +fork circle 29
KAREN'S gourmet kitchen 29
KOHINOOR indian gourmet 30
KWIZINE gourmet food +oval 43
MADHUSHALA gourmet services 43
MERCADO gourmet 35, 43
RELIANCE gourmet 42
home gourmet 30
TIGER gova in devnagari 15
ODONDO good governance 38
SIX SIGMA e-governance 42
it governance +squares 35
govicycline GOVARDHAN 5
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